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She is the one with the amazingly creative ideas. Abril, the 8-year-old, who inspired Kizzy Petit to write the Stories of an Unhurried Childhood, feels very proud for seeing their first children's book "April's Magical World and her joy for living slow" on sale in bookstores and shops in the UK.
Technology has certainly improved our lives in many ways, but there are also negative consequences of screen time that we cannot ignore. What can we do as parents to generate a positive change in our children’s mental health, despite the pressure of society, schools and social media? I felt moved to write this post because I stand for those who cannot make decisions for themselves: the children.
2022 has been such a wonderful year, with lots of exciting adventures and valuable lessons as an independent author of children’s books. And as I connect with more wonderful people and opportunities through my creative work, I am re-introducing myself.
I have gathered a list of the 11 Spiritual lessons I have learned from raising my child after divorce, while I honour this journey with deep gratitude and celebrate 5 years of living a life in alignment with my Soul’s desires.
Slowing down is a lifestyle that leads to a more satisfying and sustainable kind of life, where you enjoy more, things are more interesting, you care for others more, and you appreciate more everything and everyone.